North Carolina Green Party
Anti-Racist, Feminist, Anti-Capitalist, Ecosocialist

About the North Carolina Green Party
Anti-Racist, Feminist, Anti-Capitalist, Ecosocialist
The NCGP is a anti-racist, feminist, and pro-labor party that supports gender equality and gender diversity and rejects capitalism in favor of a democratically run economy that responds to the needs of community and planet. We believe positive social and political change will come when progressive and radical people determine that movement activism must also include this critical element: building our own political power outside the confines of the capitalist two-party system. For this reason, the NCGP is a membership-based, dues-paying party and is fundamentally and structurally different from the two major parties—we’re funded by individual working-class members, not corporate interests and the ruling elite.
What's the Green Party? The word "Green" means more than just the environment—it means "ecology," doing what's right for healthy systems. That's why we are feminist, why we are anti-racist, why we support gender equality and gender diversity, and why we reject capitalism—and why we believe all these things are interrelated. The NCGP is no ordinary party: we're a membership-based, dues-paying party funded by individuals. We're committed to social, racial, economic, and environmental justice.
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