Your payment is a donation to the North Carolina Green Party (NCGP).
Only US citizens and green card holders may donate to the NCGP to receive this merchandise. If you are a foreign national and would like to receive merchandise, please email the NCGP secretary at to arrange paying the merchandise company directly.
Contribution Rules:
- Contributor is a U.S. citizen or a lawfully admitted permanent resident of the United States.
- This contribution is not being made by a corporation, labor organization, national bank, federal contractor, or PAC associated with a for-profit corporation.
- This contribution is not being made by a lobbying firm or foreign agent or by any of the following: a registered federal or state lobbyist on behalf of a for-profit corporation, on behalf of a foreign agent, or on behalf of an executive officer of a for-profit corporation that employs lobbyists.
- The funds donated are not being provided to the contributor by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
- Donations are nonrefundable.
- Donations processed on this page go to the NCGP, not directly to a particular candidate's political committee.